11 Reasons to NOT Vote for a Democrat

September 7, 2010

Remember in November

Debates Online

July 1, 2010

If you are in Arizona and looking to find out more about the candidates, you can watch some of the Clean Election debates online here:

Click here to go to Arizona Clean Elections debates

You can see candidates for:

  • Governor
  • Attorney General
  • Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • Corporation Commission
  • Some of the State Legislature Races

How Did Your Representative Vote?

June 3, 2010

Here is a website that provides a handy chart of federal votes by state.   They have a listing of the federal politicians for each state, with an added bonus…those that are consistently voting to put the U.S. in debt.

The politicians with the red names and stars voted for 3 or more of the spending bills listed on their state’s chart. These are the people who are constistently voting to put Americans further into debt.

here is the Arizona list:

Arizona (AZ):

Sen. Jon Kyl
Sen. John McCain

Rep. Ed Pastor ****DEBT*****
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords ****DEBT*****
Rep. Raul Grijalva ****DEBT*****
Rep. Harry Mitchell ****DEBT*****

Rep. Jeff Flake
Rep. Trent Franks
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick
Rep. John Shadegg

Here is the vote tracker chart for Arizona, click chart to view pdf file:

Not from Arizona, go to votetrackers to find your state.   Inform your family and friends, so they can see how their politican voted before they vote again in November.  Remember, all of the House of Representatives  and about 1/3 of the Senators are up for election.

Are You Independent?

June 1, 2010

Are you planning to vote in the upcoming Arizona August 24 Primary?

Are you a registered Independent and early voter?

For those in Arizona, the upcoming August 24 election is an open Primary Election.   A primary election is partisan, which means the ballot you vote on will be party specific to either Republican, Democrat, Green, etc.

As an independent, you need to decide which ballot you want to vote.  If you are an early voter,  you need to return the 120 day notice indicating which ballot you want to vote.  If you do not return this form, no ballot will be sent to you for the Primary Election

This form must be returned no later than 45 days before the election.

Hard Work is Paying Off

May 10, 2010

Received 2 updates from I-Caucus over the weekend how their plan is working, you may have heard about it— Senator Bob Bennett (R-UT) being ousted.

Some of my previous articles have spoken about the PC (Precinct Committeeman) being the most powerful office in politics, this provides a good example.   In Utah, at the UTAH GOP convention, the delegates vote on the incumbent.  To get on the ballot, the incumbent  must get at least 40% of the delegates vote.   To become a delegate, you get involved in your local precinct/district/neighborhood GOP group.

Become involved in your local group.  Also be aware that each state and county have different rules.   If enough people step up to the call, we can make a difference.

I-Caucus has two sites, join and become a member:



Dear I-caucus Members,

I am writing this to you from the Utah Republican Party convention, and this is a breaking news heads up for our members:

Today, Saturday May 8th, the first incumbent Senator who promoted and voted for the TARP bailouts back in 2008 will be defeated and his re-election campaign will come to an end.

That incumbent Senator, Bob Bennett Utah, was the chief Republican architect of the TARP bailouts.

I-caucus has been working with Utah Tea party and 912 groups for more than a year in a concerted effort to make this happen. Today, I can certify to you that we collectively got enough delegates elected statewide to make this happen.

Now, in a couple more hours, Bennett wont even be able to appear on the ballot in the November general election.

It is happening as we speak and I will email you the final vote results
as soon as they are in.  Stay tuned.

Here’s why:
In Utah, incumbents must get at least 40% of the party delegate votes in order to retain any chance at all for the party’s nomination and to appear on the ballot.

If the incumbent does not secure at least 40% of the delegate votes they are done…as in stick a fork in them. They would have NO chance to appear on the Republican Primary ballot and NO chance to appear on the general election ballot in November.

That’s no chance as in zero, zip, nada, and “none at all.”

Plus, by Utah law, the incumbent has no chance of appearing on the ballot as an independent candidate.

Here’s how we did it:
Back in January, the Independence Caucus vetted and endorsed 3 candidates, (Mike Lee, Tim Bridgewater, and Cherilyn Eagar) all of whom we deemed as acceptable replacements for Bob Bennett in 2010.

Because of Utah’s caucus/convention system, we did not need to endorse just one candidate.

Then, in concert with other local “Tea Party” and “912” groups throughout Utah, we began a campaign in January and February to encourage Utahns who supported any of those 3 endorsed candidates to organize their neighbors to attend the Caucus meetings with them and get elected as delegates.

This campaign succeeded. While there is normally a 40% to 50% turnover in delegates from one election cycle to another, this year there was more than an 80% turnover…and that added turnover was a direct result of the campaign to get I-caucus/Tea Party/912 supporters elected as delegates.

19 months of coordinated work with other grass roots groups here in Utah is now coming to fruition. Delegates are voting now, it should only be a few more hours and Bob Bennett’s Senate career will enter its lame duck phase.

Then, we turn our attention to continue helping I-caucus endorsed candidates in the rest of the country.

Again, STAY TUNED!   I’ll email all of you as soon as Bob Bennett’s post TARP bailout senate career is officially over.


Frank Anderson

And then about an hour later:
3:31pm MST – Its official.
Incumbent Senator Bob Bennett was eliminated, and cannot be on the Primary or general election ballots, and he cannot run as an Independent.

The chief Republican party architect of the TARP bailout Senate “sweeteners” is officially a lame duck Senator and the first incumbent knocked out in 2010.
This is really important because the Republican establishment believes I-caucus & 912 & Tea party activists are mad at Democrats…well, this is a wake up call for Republican Incumbents we have just delivered.

Most importantly, the Utah Republican Party in 2008 told I-caucus that Jason Chaffetz winning “was a fluke” and that we would never be able to do it in a statewide senate race because the power of the senate incumbency was much more formidable.  They were wrong.

Bob Bennett outspent all of his challengers combined by more than 20 to 1.  He has a multi-million dollar war chest he was planning on using to get re-elected…and now he can’t spend any of it for himself on this years election.

YOU can do this in YOUR state too….those who think otherwise are wrong….we just need to get as many local patriotic groups involved and organized behind I-caucus vetted and endorsed candidates.

I hope all of you have as great a night as we are going to have.
Frank Anderson

Where do you stand on Prop 100?

April 21, 2010

Received this today…Action that you can take

Dear Arizona Taxpayers and Tea Partiers:

Scroll Down for a Very Important Action Item

The Big Spenders and their lobbyists will soon have ONE MILLION DOLLARS to spend on tv commercials, radio ads, robo-calls and glossy mailers to try to convince Arizona voters to vote for Prop 100 on May 18 and give the state government more money.

It is obvious why the spending lobbies are working so hard to win on Prop 100.  If they win, they will get to spend an extra one billion dollars a year of YOUR money. Your state sales taxes will go up by 18 percent.  For the average family, that would mean paying an extra $400 a year for the next three years.  If you are not clear on the 18 percent increase, read this blog post:


Prop 100 is also fraudulent: what is on the ballot is not what is actually going to happen.  If you are not clear on that point, read this blog post:


We must work hard to counter the sky-is-falling rhetoric from the pro-100 side. For example, it is crucial to understand that Arizona’s K-12 system has plenty of money. The problem with our schools is that the available money is not getting into our classrooms:



What can YOU do to stop the fraudulent and economically damaging Prop 100 tax increase?  What can YOU do to say NO to the Big Spenders?  What can YOU do to force the state government to learn to live within its means?

Simple:  You are Tea Partiers. You are really good at making signs. Let’s make some signs. And please do it quickly—early ballot voting begins this week.  We have to get our message out to the fence-sitters.  They have to be reminded that real people will be hurt by this tax increase.

Here is how to do it: Get large pieces of corrugated plastic, cardboard, poster paper, bed sheets, or canvas.  (Any large surface will do—I am going to use an old closet door.)   Go to a discount store or a hardware store and get some cheap tempura paint and some brushes, or some spray paint.  Write very simple messages using the ideas below.  Be sure to make your letters VERY BIG—brush strokes should be at least two inches wide.  Then, take zip ties and attach your signs to chain link fences and to stakes at busy intersections near you.  Then, be ready to make more signs, in case the activists from the pro-spending side vandalize or remove your signs.  Here some messages:

Please vote NO on Prop 100

Tell the Big Spenders NO – Vote NO on Prop 100

We are Taxed Enough Already – Vote NO on Prop 100

Government needs to cut spending, too.  NO on Prop 100.

We are ALL hurting in this recession. Vote NO on Prop 100.

This is free speech at its best.  Keep it cheap.  Do not spend more than $500, so that you do not have to register as a political committee.  Remember: this election is in the hands of the grassroots. We stole this idea from two grassroots groups: the Pima Association of Taxpayers, which beat the City of Tucson and TUSD budget overrides using homemade signs, and the activists who are fighting the Prop 406 tax hike right now in Gilbert.

When you’re done posting your homemade NO on 100 signs, please contact the Ax the Tax committee (www.axthetaxaz.com or axthetax@cox.net) and ask them what else you can do to beat Prop 100.


Early ballot voting begins THIS WEEK!

The last day to request an early ballot is Friday, May 7.

Go to the AZ Secretary of State’s website and request your early/absentee ballot:

Registration Site:  http://www.azsos.gov/election/county.htm

For Liberty,


Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor: Election 2010

April 16, 2010

Oh yeah!

Independence Caucus

February 27, 2010

Have you checked out Independence Caucus?

They have two sites:
Ourcaucus –Because You are the government
I highly recommend that you watch the video series at this website that will show you how Congress was stolen from you.   This is from their site:

A Citizen’s movement* to take

our government back from the

“Big Money” Special Interests groups…

You can become an online member at this site, join your state group, become move involved.  This is from their site:

We at Independence Caucus are committed to removing compromised incumbents from office and replacing them with good men and women who commit to Fiscal Responsibility through Adherence to Constitutional Authority.

I recently received a notice of their endorsed candidates, you can view here

How to find your Congressional District and more

February 23, 2010

Do you know which Congressional District you live in?

I found a handy site with the Congressional District maps for all the states and then you can see your elected representatives as well.

Do you want to find the district of a specific Representative or state for a Senator…just type in their last name.

Handy little site:  http://www.govtrack.us/congress/findyourreps.xpd

TIME SENSITIVE – Illinois Primary 2/2/10 – Mark Kirk money trail from TARP banks

January 29, 2010

Judge Don Lowery is the true conservative candidate!

Please forward this to everyone you know in Illinois

Watch this video from Independence Caucus explain the money trail behind Congressman Mark Kirk (R) who voted for TARP and Cap & Trade.  He is now running for the U.S. Senate seat that Obama held.

There is a true conservative running, Judge Don Lowery.   He and his wife were recently retired, until he watched what has happened to our country in the last couple of years, he is now running for the U.S. Senate.

Here is info I received from I-Caucus, which is “A Citizen’s movement to take back government from “Big Money” Interests groups” …meaning our elected officials will continue to NOT listen to us while they continue to be funded by “Big Money”.   Vote them out!

This past weekend, Illinois I-caucus members endorsed Judge Don Lowery in Illinois and I am excited to see such a stellar candidate emerge from the vetting process.

  • Here’s problem #1: Mark Kirk is the front runner, and the choice of the Republican party establishment…and Kirk is currently a Representative who voted for TARP and was one of only 8 Republicans to vote for Cap and Trade which you may recall passed by only 7 votes.
  • Here’s problem #2: There are several challengers who are all currently splitting votes amongst themselves which is working to Mark Kirk’s advantage
  • Here’s problem #3: A lot of media types, even some of the Fox News media types, are touting Patrick Hughes as the “tea party” or “grass roots” candidate…but Hughes is not the true fiscally responsible constitutional candidate in this race!

Here’s some important info for you, because we must let grass roots activists and the media know that Hughes is NOT the right choice and NOT the choice of grassroots tea party members in Illinois:

Click here for Judge Lowery website