Mr. Flexible

April 1, 2012

Hmmm,  does this make you feel safe?

We Can’t Wait

January 26, 2012

Tea Party Patriots response to the State of the Union Speech on Tuesday.

Agree, we can’t wait

Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record

January 24, 2012

Consistently green,  just check out how he recycles.

Understanding the Federal Debt Numbers

January 23, 2012


Understanding the federal debt problem made easy by

The Speech

September 8, 2011

Pretty good summary that even J. Wellington “I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today” Wimpy could agree:

 The Speech by Yuval Levin at National Review Online

Spend $450 billion dollars now, it will create jobs, and I’ll tell you how I’m going to pay for it a week from Monday. If you disagree, you want to expose kids to mercury.

Freedom to Assault?

August 25, 2011

Click here to read the article at the Toronto Sun.  Looks like there is a follow-up article from David Menzies about why charges are not being filed.  When you read the comments, it seems to be a lively topic on the radio.

The Arizona Project Documentary

August 23, 2011

During July, 2011, a small group of people from North Carolina Tea Party groups traveled to Arizona to make a film about the illegal alien problem on our border with Mexico. Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County lead them on their investigation and showed them the territory.

The film crew was sponsored and led by Tea Party Patriots, Mark Hager of the Yadkin Valley Tea Party,Renee Griffith and Mike Prince, also coordinators went on this trip, and funded by donations from Tea Party Patriots and local Tea Party groups across North Carolina ― including and especially Moore Tea Citizens. Thanks go to everyone who donated to the project.

The goal of the Arizona Project is to show that the truth is the exact opposite of the Obama Administration’s very false claims that “the border has never been safer than it is now.” The group was escorted by Sheriff’s Department Deputies as they interviewed and filmed American citizens who live and work near the border. The group went out at night to patrol the isolated areas used by the smugglers and illegals to sneak into this country. They collected factual information and documentary footage to demonstrate the nature and extent of the border problems in Arizona. This film will show you real information about the violence on the border.

What will be paid?

July 30, 2011

Ask the President: What are you going to do with $181 Billion Dollars if you’re not paying bills?

President Obama keeps telling us what might not be paid if the debt ceiling isn’t raised.

That’s the wrong answer to a question that America isn’t even asking.
In this new iCaucus Video, we call on the President to answer the real question:

“Mr. President, if the debt ceiling isn’t raised and you’re not planning on paying our debt obligations, or social security, or medicaid, or our military personnel…even though you will have more than enough money to do so…then what’s more important and what will you be paying instead with the $180 billion that the government will keep collecting every month?”

Cut, Cap, Balance

July 17, 2011

Senator Lee introduces the “Cut, Cap & Balance Act” (July 7, 2011)

Senators Lee, Vitter, and Paul explain what revenue increases are acceptable

Senator Lee explains why future Congress cannot be bound by today’s Congress…unless we have the balanced budget amendment

click here for 1-page summary

click here for Text of the bill

click here for Republican Study Committee’s CCB proposal and background

Action we can all take:
1. Go here to read about Cut/Cap/Balance and sign the pledge
2. Then contact our Representatives and Senators
3. Make sure to call Mitch McConnell’s too. His package is unacceptable.
Say NO to giving the President a blank check for political expediency. 202-224-2541
4. And call Harry Reid and demand that he bring it to the Senate floor.

No Debt Increase #5: Jobs and the Economy

July 8, 2011

From the TEA Party Patriots:


Click Here to Take Action Now! 


Overspending results in a rising national debt, which hinders jobs and the economy.

Unemployment recently rose again to 9.1%, leaving 13.9 million Americans out of work. The President would like Americans to believe that blowing through almost one trillion dollars in “stimulus” has increased our economic growth and put people back to work. Well, even the “intellectual authorities” at Harvard and Stanford are saying that the pork-laden stimulus bill did nothing for the economy or for jobs.

President Obama is just acting out his part as a left-wing ideologue, where he wildly overspends so that he creates an almost existential debt crisis, leading to class warfare rhetoric and a call to hike taxes. Every rational and reasonable person (as well as those who know the tiniest bit about basic economics) understands that we absolutely cannot raise taxes to pay off the credit card debt that has been racked up by power-hungry politicians. And what is the real reason behind all of that overspending? Bigger, more intrusive government (see Obamacare). When government is too big, it spends too much; when government is too big, its debt grows too large; when government is too big, the economy falters and Americans can’t get back to work.

Politicians talk a good game about caring for “the middle class” or “the poor” or  “the children,” or whatever other part they can cut off of the American body, to pit us against each other. Don’t let them do it. We are all Americans and we ALL benefit from a strong, prosperous economy. The politicians are the ones strangling the life out of the economy! If they really cared about the people who make up all of those groups, they would get out of the way and allow Americans to create jobs for other Americans. But that can only happen when we shrink government and cut spending – and that will only happen when we refuse to raise the debt ceiling. 

This is the final email in the series of reasons not to increase the debt limit. The problem, while difficult for the Washington elite, is really quite simple. We MUST stop the spending and we MUST stop it now! Click below to navigate to our Action Center where you can call your Members of Congress and let your voice be heard on the ceiling. The clock is ticking and Washington elites will soon be done with their posturing and come out from the back room with a charade of a deal that makes it look like both sides fought for the right thing. The RIGHT thing is to stop spending money that we are borrowing from our children and grandchildren. 

Click Here to Take Action Now!

Reason #1: We Must Prioritize Our Spending 

Reason #2: If They Raise It, They Will Spend It 

Reason #3: We’ve Been Warned

Reason #4: We Don’t Have to Reinvent the Wheel on Spending 

Enough is enough. 

Sign It!

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Enough is enough.


America deserves better.